Monday, January 7, 2008

Stitching away

My large (for me) piece at last has got my attention. I stitched away at it during open studios Saturday, through "Star Gate" yesterday afternoon, and through the news this morning. Any clues from those more experienced about how to avoid hand cramps are welcome. Pacing oneself is all I can think of. Needle size? Any hints?

I like the effects. Lines appear, like sketching, and colors interact. Sometimes the lines break free and cascade through an area.I think more of that will happen before I am done.


Anonymous said...

Linda...I'm assuming you're hand quilting and that's why the hand cramps..solution: machine quilt..I was a purest for quite some time, but now because of age and the big "A" in my thumb on the right hand, I'm machine quilting, or as I call it "thread play" over the surface...and I really enjoy it. And my hands don't take such a beating. Love the colors on this one...Louise in "wet/cold" Calif.

Linda Branch Dunn said...

Machine quilting doesn't work for me - yet. Ironically it's fine on small pieces, but this big it's too fast, too much shoving, and not enough visibility. O well!