Saturday, July 21, 2007

"Scrolls" Opening

"SCROLLS: A Fiber Interpretation" opened at Western Avenue Studios yesterday evening. Lowell Fiber Studio was fully represented. The piece above, "Untitled Scroll" is by our newest member, Cathy Granese. It is taller than I am by a couple of feet and exquisitely executed. Below is Laura Gawlinski, with her piece, "Codex."
Margot Stage's piece, Sands, is something like 15 feet long:

And a detail shot. She says it started with a the beach, and the lining of an old kimono:

Here is my piece, "One Way," inspired by the many trips to Lancaster PA for my mother:And that's just part of the fifth floor's exhibit. There were two sculptures, plus two more floors of art, including a moving piece by Karen Bettencourt.

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