Friday, January 8, 2010

Advance Class in Organization

I'm hip-deep in the flotsam from my mother's apartment. Layered on top of my left-over holiday inventory are piles for resale and donation. Paperwork is everywhere: IRS forms, medication receipts, bank statements.
Then there's the table full of jewelry, sorted for resale. Check out these pieces from the early 60s.
Yesterday's big event was the retrieval of donation receipts from Lancaster (I'd stored them with my Ipod) and winnowing the number of suitcases in the living room down to five.

Then last night two good friends from Long Ago arrived for one short night. We went together to hear their son's college choir. To overlay beautiful music, lovely children almost adults, and shared memories from when we were the ones just setting out - my heart is all upside down today.

Catie says, time for another walk.

1 comment:

Leslie Avon Miller said...

It's so much work to sort through the stuff of someone's lifetime. There are so many times of laughter, tears and just that feeling of overwhelm. I emphasize.
Your grandmother's comment about being 25 inside is so poignant. I thought "older" people were different somehow. Now I know that bring grown up is a fallacy. We are all just people inside.