Saturday, February 23, 2008

Waiting for the weather

This photo is from Christine Marie, a collage artist, but the picture is not a digital collage. It is her cat, behind sheer curtains, dreaming of spring.

My cat sits behind the furniture, and lures the dog close enough to bop on the nose. We are all bored.

My family came back from Lancaster PA in the dead of night Thursday, running ahead of the storm. All Friday it snowed: beautiful, thick, fluffy snow. Today we spent all morning shoveling, and all afternoon reading mysteries.

Our little old ladies are all one year older, shorter, and more frail. My mom, the youngest at 82, is the weakest of the three. Aunt Sis, at 88, is the toughest and most honest. She'd boxed up the last of her crystal for Goodwill, and was delighted when we asked if we could take it. Some day, with luck, my girl will take it to her house. So it goes.


Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing the photo of my little huntress Sammy! She also waits around corners for the dog (who is smaller than her) to keep herself amused. -- I love what you said about the older gals...isn't it funny that although they are frail, our grandmothers and grand-aunts have so much strength?

Anonymous said...

All the little old ladies in my life have gone..only photos and memories to remember. Embrace those moments with each as they come as you'll need them when you get closer to that truth. A great thing for your daughter to experience as she will never forget those trips.

margaret said...

How lovely to spend the afternoon reading mysteries, with the cold snowlight fading into dusk....