Monday, March 16, 2009

Adventures with Epson

"If you want a thing well done, get a couple of old broads to do it." --- Bette Davis
However, if you want something screwed up first, give me first chance.

I've been lost in printer hell this afternoon, of my own making. Comes of trying to feed the beast non-brand-name ink. It shut down and wouldn't talk to me. After loupy hours trying to help, I tricked the monster into coughing up the offending cartridge. Then I took my daughter out for cupcakes.

The good news is it's dawned on me that I can print my own images beautifully right here at home. Fiber-head that I am, I just used the machine for printing on fabric. But now I'm going to play with making my own reproductions. Here's the one I printed out today:Rayna will recognize the "adopted ancestor" - she's an image Rayna generously shared at her class, years ago, at Friends Fabric Art. Her class and Laura's were where it all started for me. Well, that, and the hall closet when I was a kid, where my mother kept piles of fabric and glue and whatnot handy, for her little girl to play with.

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