Thursday, August 14, 2008

Group project

The Lowell Fiber Studio has on two group projects this year.
I am leading one: a centennial quilt for the local Visiting Nurses Association. It is a large piece and I'll blog more about it later. The experience has been eye-opening. All my years in business, I was always a team member, never in charge. Now I'm learning: like parents, leaders don't really know any MORE, they just are responsible that something happen. The real work happens because others agree to play. The leader reminds people about goals, the players achieve them. The best ideas are always a surprise.

The second group project was a collaborative quilt to hang outside our studio. To begin, Merill Comeau led us through questions about ourselves and the group. We each offered images - a flower, an animal, a place - which we thought might illustrate Lowell Fiber Studio. We settled on the dandelion - bright, resilient, spreading ; the dolphin - in motion, supports its group; and the adobe - warm, encircling, plain on the outside but thriving on the inside.The quilt grew, through many collaborative sessions, over the course of months. This week, we finally hung it outside our studio, for all to see.
That's Margot Stage on the ladder, and Gwen Stith assisting. The Cloud Door was painting by Sharon Sawyer, and you can see a bit of my Advice quilt on the left. Cathy Granese did an amazing job quilting and finishing the piece. Notice the curved edges. On the back she put our studio's name. Now visitors can find us, even though we are nearly at the end of the hall. Hooray!

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